Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lo and Behold!

After a decade on the fence - yeah right, I exaggerate. Please - you must begin to acclimate yourself to this, or you will be constantly disappointed. I am a fan of hyperbole. If I am to ever give up coffee, let me have this one last vice. (Again - I exaggerate. As if I only have one vice left!) There you go. Getting the hang of that?
I know I'm only talking to myself. I'm rationalizing my own tendency to overstate to myself, in public.
Oy veh. I am NOT used to the phenomenon of blogging. I've stayed away, because it just seems too suited to me. Letting myself have access to a blog outlet scares me. But something just inspired me. I think it was music. Oh yes, so I was inspired to finally blog, because I wanted to share the ideas and thoughts that go on behind the end resulting music. I find it fascinating when other songwriters share, and so I'm doing unto others as I'd like them to do unto me. I'm blogging anything that seems remotely 'behind the scenes.' I'm telling you, whoever you are, what I'd love to hear from all the musicians I listen to. I'm not yet sure what that is exactly. But here's to me somehow, slowly figuring that out.
Tonight I named the blog. This is all on a whim, by the way. To suddenly and swiftly blog? That wasn't on my agenda for the evening. But I was looking up Bon Iver, because a friend pointed out that a song off of his new EP sounded like Imogen Heap's Hide and Seek song. It does. They're both great. I really don't mind if something good sounds like something else good. You will also notice, you reader you - that I am really not big on poopooing anything creative. So anyway, I looked up Bon Iver, and discovered his blog. It had a name that wasn't Bon Iver. So then I had an epiphany! Hey! I didn't have to name my own blog, Blue Rabbit! So I didn't.
I tried to name it Lo and Behold! I would love my blog to be named that for many reasons, though I won't go into them, because as you can see, it didn't happen.
However, what DID happen, is I found the blogger who took my name of choice, and had to spend the next 45 minutes absolutely riveted and absorbed in this guy's life - in 2004. I just lived four months of some guy's life in 2004. Man, blogging is weird! I now know every detail of his monthly budget, and the shape of his coworkers nipples! Even the fabric of her shirt. I know how he brushed shoulders with his 'platonic' female friend, and how this made them both stop and stand awkwardly for a moment. I know that he was overjoyed to finally have a sexually arrousing dream, and that the cool thing was that it was actually with his own real-life wife. I know that they were debating giving up their pet turtles due to a budget crunch, that his wife should work out more in his opinion, that when he gets home at 930 he's too pooped to have sex, but even if he did muster the strength to lift up her shirt, he wouldn't be able to tell the breasts from the belly rolls. Her face is gorgeous though. At least, that's what he told me. That's what he told all of us! How odd is this. Everyone writing their very most private thoughts in the most public place possible. More public than any bathroom stall. I know, I know. This is reaaaaaally old news. Well this is still new to me. This is why I've stayed away. How could I - how will I - find any time for reality when the personal diaries of strangers are everywhere, calling me.
Anyway, so check it out if you want. I highly recommend it. Lo and Behold! The blog that would've been mine, had this one guy not been slightly agitated and depressed in 2004.
If you do read it, check out the Eiffel Tower dream he had. I think it's cool that he dreamt all this shit about the Eiffel Tower, woke up, and then promptly researched it some more in real life. I like that. That made him so likeable to me.

Then I decided - briefly - to name the blog Take the Stairs, after my music publishing company. Even though, half of me was screaming "nooooooo, don't name your personal outlet after a freaking business..nononononon".....but I did it anyway. I often do stuff while half of me is screaming internally in protest. Is this typical? Please comment. That one went to somebody super private and no fun. It just said I wasn't invited to read it. So I went with its matching catch phrase/ tagline instead - In Case of Fire. And when I did try it, it was again, taken by someone who it seemed had only written one post, and again, it was in 2004. So then, I had this fleeting odd thought: "Am I somehow channeling 2004? As in, am I subconsciously stuck in a time warp, and that all the ideas that are floating into my head are actually ideas that circulated the collective consciousness in 2004?"
My next fleeting thought was, "Naaaaah."
So then I succombed to what was probably the obvious choice all along - to go with the name of my eternal blog-in-theory. I started a blog (by same name) and then only blogged once. I let it sit there for years unchanged, then took it down. And wait! That was in 2004. Maybe time stood still for me, for just a minute, so that I could cycle back around and pick up where I left off. Hello 2004! Goodbye, 2004! Hello blog! Hello world! Hello me! Hello new President!


  1. Yay! We finally get Heather's talented writing in raw blog form. Go Heather! I'm following you now so keep writing - this is great!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
